Getting started with creating import mapping rules

When creating import mapping rules, please be aware of two things

  1. Paths are case sensitive:
  2. So “Record” will fail your test:

    But “record” will pass:

  3. You must input the full xpath from the root element for EAD and for many images each with their own XML file. For many images with a single XML file, use the xpath from your record separator:
  4. So for the following metadata file that uses “record” as a separator:

    		<title>Title 1</title>
    		<title>Title 2</title>

    I would input

    in the source element box for Title.

    And for the following EAD file:

    				<titleproper>EAD title</titleproper>

    I would input

    in the source element box for Title.

    Please also note that you should notinclude namespaces in your xpath. So for the following record:</p?

    	<dc:title>Image Title</dc:title>

    I would input

    instead of

    Import mapping rules tell Metadata Hopper where to find certain information in your metadata.

    Step One: Prepare

    The prepare screen details what you will need to have ready to create import mapping rules. This can include having an import mapping rules worksheet filled out as well as having a sample file prepared. When you are ready, click next to continue.

    Step Two: Name and Describe

    This is the page where you will name and describe your rules. These will be seen by all staff from your institution, so make sure you choose a name that is descriptive of what the rule set is for. It should also include a description that can be used with little to no context. For example, a good example of a name and description for rule set for EAD finding aids might be:

    Name: EAD 2002 Finding aids
    Description: Finding aids encoded in EAD 2002 using Archivist Toolkit.

    Step Three: Submit a sample file

    Step three involves uploading a sample file for this rule set that includes all elements you plan to map, with some value for each element. For more information on sample files, see Creating a sample file.

    For more information on next steps for creating import mapping rules: