Depositing files

To upload files to Metadata Hopper, you must already have at least one set of rules created. If you have not already done this, please see Creating Import Mapping Rules. Please also that if your institution has more than one location, make sure all the files you are uploading are from one distinct location.

Select the import mapping rules you wish to work with from the main Deposit page.

If your institution has more than one location, you will next see a page where you will need to choose the location of the files you are uploading. Select the correct location from the dropdown menu and move on to the next page.

Select the folder that contains the files you want to upload. Once all files have been loaded onto the page, click the “Upload all” button to upload your files. Files will be removed from the list once they have uploaded and there will be a progress bar with the status of your upload.

Once all files have been uploaded, click finish and you will see a page letting you know that you will receive an email notification when your deposit has been processed.