Metadata Hopper (pre-release)

IssueFix date
Indexer used to preview content may fail due to concurrent indexing requests8/19/2015
Preview notification email revision8/19/2015
Institution list alphabetized for users that can sign in to multiple insitutions8/19/2015
"Select all on all pages" in Connect does not work for large batches of content8/19/2015
Test button in rules creation doesn't display a default value that the user puts in8/19/2015
Added object thumbnail to browse object lists8/26/2015
Using "Untag" for already previewed objects may not trigger an automatic reindexing8/26/2015
Bitmaps are not on the list of accepted image types8/26/2015
Multiple single object indexes can slow system down; create single "Index modified records" button to group indexes together10/2/2015
Tips text is needed for new "Index modified records" button. Tips text has been added to the Overview, Tag, Connect, Preview, Publish and Object record pages to support this new feature.10/7/2015
Confirmation text when you use the "Index modified records" button gives no indication that you are not changing those records state (from preview to publish, for example) when you index record10/7/2015
Information on how many records you are indexing is not indicated on the "Index Modified Records" button10/7/2015
Ability to update a single record2/20/2016